Are you online? Of course you are! And that’s how you are reading this blog right now. Would you like to know how this is possible? This series is all about what it takes to be online and access internet!
Hey geeks, have you thought of ISPs which is known as “Internet Service Provider” and “cloud”. Have you stored music, photos, files or any other data in the cloud? Many companies offer this service to their customers. They can do this because of virtualization and the cloud. In addition to storage of these data, they also provide various services that the cloud can provide. Would you like to find out more about this ever-growing aspect of networking? Let’s dive into this!
ISP Services
An Internet Service Provider is the link between the internet and the home network. An ISP can be the local cable provider, a landline telephone service provider, the cellular network that provides your devices service, or an independent provider who leases bandwidth on the physical network infrastructure to others.
Many ISPs provide the following various services to their customers
- Web hosting
- FTP hosting
- Application and Media hosting
- Technical support
- Voice over IP
- POP internet access
- Equipment Co-Location and so on.
These services also include email accounts, network storage and automated backup or security services.
Each ISP connects to other ISPs to form a network of links that interconnect users all over the world. ISPs are connected hierarchically so that the internet traffic generally takes the shortest path from the source to the destination. The internet backbone is like an information super highway that is connected by a medium, fiber optic cable which run under the sea to connect continents, countries and cities.
ISP connections
The interconnection of ISPs that form the backbone of the internet is a complex web made of fiber-optics with expensive networking switches and routers that direct the flow of information between hosts. A router is required to securely connect a computer to an ISP. If the modem directly connects the computer and the ISP, then the computer is not protected on the internet. The secured connection should consists of a wireless integrated router that connects to the ISP. The router includes a switch to connect wired hosts and wireless access points to connect wireless hosts. It also provides client IP addressing information and security for internal hosts.
Cable and DSL connections
Most home network users do not connect with ISP using fiber-optic cables. The common connection options for small office and home users are cable and DSL.
Like cable television service providers, the internet data signal is also carried on the same coaxial cable that delivers cable television. The advantage of this cables is it provides high bandwidth. A special modem is used to separate the internet data signal form the other signals that is carried on the cable and provides to a host computer or LAN.
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) also provides a high bandwidth. It requires special high-speed modem that separates the DSL signal from the telephone signal and provides the ethernet connection to a host computer or LAN. DSL runs over a telephone line. The line is split into three channels:
- One channel is used for voice telephone calls which allows the user to receive phone calls without disconnecting from the internet.
- The second channel is a faster download channel, used to receive information from the internet.
- And the third channel is used for sending or uploading information. This is usually slightly slower channel when compared to download channel.
The quality and speed of DSL mainly depends on the quality of the phone line and the distance from the central office of your provider.
Other Connectivity Options
The other ISP connection options for home users include:
Cellular internet access uses a cell phone network to connect to the internet. So whenever you get a cellular signal, you can get cellular internet access. The performance may be limited. It will be more benefit for people in areas that would otherwise have no internet connectivity at all.
It is a good option for homes and offices that do not have access to DSL or cables. The satellite dishes require a clear line of sight to the satellite, so it may be difficult in areas where there are overhead obstructions.
Dial-up Telephone
This is an inexpensive option that uses any phone line and modem. The bandwidth provided will be low and it is not sufficient for large data transfer. It is considered only when higher speed connection options are not available.
Hope you have gained some knowledge in ISP connectivity options. I’ll catch you up in the next blog.
Until then, Stay connected!!
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